Welcome to our NEW Genie site!
We are so excited to bring you an all new and updated geniefrancis.com website! We are thrilled to embark on this new chapter of geniefancis.com working with Genie herself (so exciting!) We are the new version of the old "fan club" from the 1980's that some of us belonged to. We will be bringing you the latest news on Genie's career, planning fan events so you can meet Genie and having contests so you can win official Genie memorabilia!
Please explore the different tabs and all the galleries, info and old articles remain intact on our OLD site, so if you need anything please go the ARCHIVES tab. It has 15 years of history on it! The old MESSAGE BOARD is also linked here and running for now, but we also have a comment section on this site, so send us a comment and we will see if they work!
This website is still IN PROGRESS and will be updated often, so please be patient with us! Especially the smart phone view as we are still working on that. We look forward to moving into the future with our new site and we thank you for all of your continued support. Genie Francis fans are a very loyal and wonderful group of people!